






Ok, the title says it all.

I’ve managed to put down only a few words as I was and still am completely uninspired. That’s why I felt the need to choose some comfy and versatile clothes and, obviously, Zara was the answer.

The pictures were taken in my sister’s room, which currently looks exactly like a department store. Whoops, couldn’t help it. My bad.

Tons of Love


Filed under Outfits

Other Ways

Hey there, sweet pals!

I finally decided to present you some of my pictures, as I recently started to be quite interested in photography. Although they could be considered more or less unprofessional, improving my skills in this domain is on the list!

My first thought after coping with the camera for a while was  the fact that this art has much more skills to offer than I could’ve ever imaniged. Seeing the world through a camera allows you to mark much more details than observing it with your own eyes, in your ordinary ways. Oh wow, revelations again and again and again.

None of these attempts wouldn’t have happened without the support of a few people to whom I am heartily thankful for.

For more posts, stay tuned!






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Filed under Projects

Going for Giacometti






Since I haven’t made a similar post for quite a long time, let me present you one of my past creations. I must admit the fact that this sculpture could be rather named as an ability exercise, as the whole concept of it does not belong to me.

The one who did this amazing sorcery is Alberto Giacometti, a modern sculptor and painter which I truly venerate. What I like the most are his ways of representing the human body. His sculptures have a rough texture, yet the shapes created are so delicate and fragile.

Therefore, I decided to do his work on my own, a while ago. The result was slightly not the one that I expected, but, currently, I’m quite pleased with the way it looks. Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate!

So, check these pictures and also the inspiring works of this italian mindblower!

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Filed under Projects

Resolutions, Evolutions

The holidays passed so quickly and I could hardly manage to do anything productive in this period. You surely know: eat, sleep, repeat.

Anyway, as the new year is here and the whole resolutions-thing is still surrounding us, I’ve decided to reveal my list of thoughts.

  • Draw as much as you can, everywhere, everytime. Sketches, sketches, sketches. The more, the better.
  • Keep reading! Imagination also comes with practising. A lot.
  • Surround yourself with people who are worth your time and attention and dedicate yourself to them as good as you can.
  • Last but not least, have faith in yourself. Continue what you love to do, aspiring, no matter what, and, the most important thing, focus on improving your skills.





In the end, I leave you with this outfit, which is more or less festive, you name it. Anyhow, I felt quite amazing wearing these tights on Christmas Eve. They seem to have some sort of super powers, as I felt extremely confident and content. Which I must confess, doesn’t happen to me regularly.

I wish you a wonderful year and may all your wishes come true!

Dress: Local store/ Tights: Monki/ Shoes: H&M


Filed under Outfits